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Want to learn some street dance lingo? We have you covered with all the latest slang.
If you’re interested in breakin’, you can peruse our Ultimate Guide to breaking in London. It’s a solid read!
IF you’re curious to know how best to achieve at a street dance class, we lead you by the hand in this post.
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The National Theatre call in Manifest Nation! We are super-proud to announce that our squad, Manifest Nation, were special invited guests to perform at the National Theatre this week in an adaptation of Shakespeare’s Pericles. This is an unprecedented honour for our company and it took time to sink in! Emily Lim, director of the…
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Our pro squad, Manifest Nation, just released their summer video entitled, ‘No More Tears’. This piece choreographed to Ariana Grande’s ‘No Tears Left To Cry’ by T Damien Anyasi, features Angelika and Mok as our feature characters. We also introduce new faces Esme, Alexandra, Macaulay and Marcella in their first video with the squad. The…
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B-Better Christmas cheer! To celebrate B-Better Christmas this year and the end of an amazing season, we asked the junior dancers of our professional company, Manifest Nation, to choreograph our first Christmas video. If you’d been there, you woulda loved it! Under the artistic direction of Damien and camera skills of Tru, the results are…
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What is World Crew Battle? In October 2017, some of our adult dancers from our professional company, Manifest Nation, competed at the World Crew Battle event in Deptford, London. This was the London heat, sponsored by Swatch, and was unlike any other event of recent time. The winners of the event had the opportunity to…
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Last month we were invited to run a hallowe’en dance activity for Comcast / NBC Universal at their London offices and great fun was had by all. This event, for 200 select children, was an opportunity for Tru, Ryan, Damien and new-face, Kerri, to teach a revised version of Michael Jackson’s’Thriller’ routine, and a fun…
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